Author: JuliePage 5 of 5

The Big Yawn

Alan took a photo of our cat I/O a few years ago with this amazing yawn.

Statement I

I’m starting a series of paintings to explore two things I’ve wanted to work at more: figures and fabric.

Re-paint: Ye Xian (the “Chinese Cinderella”)

This is the third repaint of a calendar: this time the story I ended up picking is the “Chinese Cinderella”, Ye Xian.

Lena and Manny After Dinner

The latest painting in this style & size – these are my husband’s parents Manny and Lena, from (yet another) great photo by Alan.


I wanted to explore some of the positions and expressions people fall into without thinking about it…hence this once, tapping on the phone that’s not there.


This one is for friends Ted and Claire who live in Colorado, land of extremely variable weather. They wanted a painting that reflected some of the color and variety they see on a daily basis.

Barbara Makes a Wish

After painting my grandfather, I wanted to create a portrait of my grandmother in a similar vein.

Reino in Focus

Rather than using reading glasses or a magnifier, my grandfather uses these shop goggles out of habit.

Cartoon: Siren Lobbyists

The siren lobbyists made it to the finals, which means they’ll be in the calendar.

Re-paint: Rabbit In the Moon

After a passing glance at the mist, it occurred to me that I could fill the rest with a meandering creek to echo the shape of the Great Wall and the mist.

Re-paint: The Dragon God

I’ve been looking for interesting things for re-paint projects that wouldn’t involve a nearly-complete re-paint, and this was just the ticket.

Phases of the Peach

In hindsight, I realize that three things made it possible to paint, and finish, now: a deadline, the daytime, and having peaches (both cut and whole) nearby.