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This was a leisurely-to-finish painting based on an old photo that I later realized didn’t quite have enough detail in it. I originally started this back in February with the hope of completing it for submission into an art show. The show was canceled so I shelved this for a while in favor of other projects. I’d only gotten as far as the burnt umber layer, and it’s been lurking incomplete around my art table for a while. I decided it was high time to finish this one.
I initially started running into the lack of detail while working on the (too pale) skintones. I considered keeping it pretty blocky as I liked how the clothing looked, but it just didn’t look right against the rest of it. So, when in doubt: more dots. While mixing grays from scratch I ended up with some nice purple tones so I shifted the color scheme towards that. I used a bit of crimson to offset a few muddy tones, and right at the end, toned down some of the detail around Edna (on the left) to add a little more perspective.

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